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Add Some Competitive FUN to Your Target Work!


Hey There Friend!

Today I'm sharing a few of the many target challenges I use with my students during pre-season!

If you need some new ways to work on improving your pitcher's accuracy and competitive mindset, check these out!
Throwing the ball WHERE you want with a high level of CONSISTENCY is one of the most important skills you can have as a pitcher!

This video will show you 5 FUN ways to work on improving your targets in a competitive, game-like environment.

You can download and print all 5 games so that you have them to refer back to in the weeks, months and years to come.

Here are a few KEY POINTS to remember:

  • These challenges should be done to a STATIONARY targets so you can do them without a catcher
  • If you don't have full distance to the target, no problem! Playing these games will still help you learn to adjust your focus point and release regardless of the distance from your target.
  • You can "play" these games against another pitcher OR anyone that can throw overhand. Catchers, other teammates, parents, siblings, etc!
  • Make sure to have a predetermined award for the winner or consequence for the loser. This always makes the game a little more competitive!
  • Try each of them as they are all unique and will keep things a little different each time you play!
  • Practice working at game pace and controlling your body language when you are competing in practice so that becomes automatic during games!

I hope you and your pitchers enjoy these challenges my friend! They should be a fun way for them to grow both physically and mentally as you prepare to compete this spring/summer!

All My BEST,


Let's GET BETTER together!

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