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Learning How to Spin the Rise Ball


Hey There Friend!

As many of your pitchers are starting their "off-season" training period, I thought it might be helpful to learn a little bit about how I teach pitchers to develop the backward, fast spin necessary to create TRUE movement on a rise ball.

Take a look at the video above for a progression on HOW to learn correct spin.

Here are a few of the KEY things to remember:

  1. Fast, backward spin is HARD! It takes weeks, months, even years to learn!
  2. 5-10 minutes of correct DAILY practice on spin creates muscle memory FASTER than longer, less frequent practice sessions.
  3. Using a spin trainer like a Spin Right Spinner or 2-colored ball helps pitchers and catchers learn to SEE and FEEL spin so they LEARN correctly.
  4. Don't be in a hurry to try and "THROW" a rise ball from full distance. If you can't hold backward spin from 20' you aren't going to miraculously "get it" from full distance at full speed. Start close and add distance GRADUALLY as you are able to hold spin.
  5. Greatness takes lots of time to EARN and there isn't a shortcut to doing the WORK. Trust the process and don't give up when it gets hard!

I hope you find this video and a couple of my favorite spin training tools helpful as you work to learn OR improve the rise ball this training season!

Let me know if you have questions about anything. You can always reach me at: [email protected]!

Have a great weekend and I'll be in touch again next week!

All My BEST,


Let's GET BETTER together!

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