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Using the EYES to Improve Command of the Zone


Hey There Friend!

Having great command of the zone is something that takes time and lots of practice for pitchers to develop.

Here ARE a few of the KEY things that will help improve a pitcher's command:

  • Consistent mechanics and timing
    • Doing the SAME thing with the SAME rhythm every pitch
  • Understanding the concept of a "powerline"
    • Making sure that everything...stride, arm circle, release and finish...are in line with the target
  • Balance through release
    • Pitchers that are off-balance at release miss targets much more frequently
  • Using a FOCUS POINT
    • Knowing WHAT you are looking at and making adjustments to that spot when making a consistent mistake with release point

The first 3 things I mentioned are what take the time and practice to get good at, really no "shortcuts" to figuring them out!

The 4th thing I mentioned, USING A FOCUS POINT is a simple concept that is holding many pitchers back from truly mastering COMMAND of their pitches in and out of the strike zone!

Take a couple minutes and watch the video so that you really understand the concept of a "focus point" when pitching.

When I ask pitchers WHAT they are looking at when they throw, surprisingly, many say "I don't know" ESPECIALLY during times of struggle!

Teaching pitchers to throw at small spots helps them learn to use their eyes to adjust release point.

Everyone knows that if the ball is too high, the pitcher is releasing late and if it's too low that she is releasing a bit early but that doesn't help her FIX it.

What helps her gain confidence in her command is understanding that simply adjusting what she LOOKS at can allow her to throw the ball where she wants AND this works for ANY type of pitch!

Is your young pitcher consistently throwing her fastball just above the zone? Is she throwing hard and straight but just a little high? Try having your catcher set up lower OR have her look at something BELOW her catcher's glove!

Is your pitcher's rise ball moving BUT always out of the zone? Try simply spinning the ball out to a LOWER target and see if something that easy will help her!

Take the time to teach your pitcher how powerful her eyes are to her success in finding command of the zone. This ONE concept can make a powerful impact on her ability to throw the ball where she wants with confidence!

If you have questions about anything covered in this article OR would like me to cover something specific in a future post, let me know by emailing me HERE my friend!

All My BEST,


Let's GET BETTER together!

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