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Teaching Pitchers: What Comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd?

Hey There Friend!

This week I wanted to share my answer to this question that I'm often asked: "Should my daughter focus on mechanics, throwing hard or on her accuracy first?" 

This is the order I teach pitchers:

    • Every pitcher, regardless of age, should focus on developing a solid foundation with her mechanics FIRST.
    • Efficient mechanics:
      • Use the entire body
      • Reduce the chances of injury
      • Permit pitchers to throw longer without fatigue
      • Allow for steady speed gains as a pitcher gets stronger
      • Create balance and consistency around the strike zone
      • Give a stable base to add off-speed or movement pitches

Here's a couple of past blog posts that may help you understand the upper and lower body mechanics a little better:

Upper Body Mechanics

Lower Body Mechanics

Want to see what your pitcher's mechanics look like compared with a model? I have a opportunity that will allow you to do that AND get some feedback/coaching from me as well...and it's all completely FREE! Check it out HERE

    • After a solid base of mechanics is achieved, the next thing that we work to create is full effort while maintaining an efficient foundation. We do SHORT, INTENSE pitching workouts (no longer than 30 minutes) and often use a 5-10 perceived exertion scale. 5 = 50% effort, 6 = 60% effort, 7 = 70% effort, etc.  Pitchers want to get used to working in the 8-10 range consistently, meaning they aren't giving less than 80% effort. We talk about each pitch being like a SPRINT - everything you got, then rest, then everything you got, then rest.
    • Using FULL Effort:
      • Develops a consistent release point
      • Teaches how to have a loose, relaxed upper body while ATTACKING with the lower body
      • Improves timing
      • Grows physical strength
      • Pushes pitchers out of their comfort zones
      • Allows them to learn to work through fatigue and grow both physically and mentally

If you'd like some ideas that may help you get FULL effort from your pitchers, check out these 5-Minute Power Workouts that can be added at the end of any bullpen OR used as a quick hit workout!

    • After a pitcher has a solid foundation AND is able to use full effort consistently, you will likely see her control improve without even focusing on it! The key to a developing command of the zone point comes from being really good with mechanics and effort!
    • In addition to consistent mechanics and full effort, CONTROL is learned through:
      • LOTS of FREQUENT reps
      • Attacking each pitch
      • A small, sharp focus point
      • Adjusting a focus point when making a consistent mistake high or low
      • Understanding what a "LINE" to a target means
      • Great balance
      • Finishing THROUGH a target
      • Competitive situations or practice games to simulate how it will feel during competition season!

HERE are a few fun, COMPETITIVE target workouts that can be done as a pitcher vs catcher challenge OR a pitcher vs pitcher challenge OR a pitcher vs parent/sibling challenge!

Is this the order you are being taught or are teaching pitchers? If not, how are you different and why?! As always, I read every email I receive and would love to hear things that may be working (or not working) for you my friend...share your thoughts by contacting me HERE!

Look forward to connecting with you again next week!

All my BEST,


Let's GET BETTER together!

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