All Things Pitching

Blog by Myndie Berka

Developing Complete Pitchers
Solid Foundations - Exceptional Work Ethics - Strong Mindsets - Fierce Competitors

Love to LEARN --- Enjoy the Journey


Self Pitches: Warm-up QUICKLY by YOURSELF!


Hey There Friend!

Today's video shows you one of my favorite ways for pitchers to:

  • Get Loose...
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The Curve Ball


Hey There Friend!

Today has been all about the CURVE ball in both my digital course, "Small...

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A Few of My FAVORITE Things - For Pitchers

Hey There Friend!

This week I wanted to share 7 MUST HAVE training tools for pitchers! These are...

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Teaching Pitchers: What Comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd?

Hey There Friend!

This week I wanted to share my answer to this question that I'm often asked: ...

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The BreakThrew Fastpitch Story

Hi, I’m Myndie!

Thanks for stopping by to check things out on my blog, "All Things...

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Lower Body Softball Pitching Mechanics


Hey There Friend!

Here's a step-by-step breakdown that explains what should be happening with a...

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Developing Exceptional Change-Ups

Hi There Friend!

Can you believe it's May 1st already?! While March seemed like the longest...

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Is Your Pitcher Making These Mistakes?

Hey There Friend!

I hope you had a great week and that you are able to celebrate Father's Day in...

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In-Season Guide for Pitchers

Hey There Friend!

So the training season is most likely over for you and it's time to finally...

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Pre-Pitch Routines

Hey Friend!

This week I want to spend a little time talking about Pre-Pitch Routines. Pre-Season...

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